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Wish List

ATUALIZADA EM 13/07/2013


5Cinco - Malibu, Cancun, Base Glitter, Tinkerbell, King
Beauty Color - Made in Brazil, Salto Agulha
Big Universo - Azul Colonial
Blant Colors - Opala, Canela de Ema,
BU - Seja Ícone
Cora - Andaraí, Praça XV, Violet, Veneza, Mundi, Esmeralda
DNA Italy - Trendy, Blu
Ellen Gold - Alba, Burguesinha, Pedra Estrela
Finaflor - Curação Blue, Sou Ciumenta
Guga - 790, Luxúria, Vênus, Maravilha
Hits - Dark Ellegance, Blog Diário de Acessórios, Roma, Rio, 318, 364, Cupcake, Jazz, Pedra do Sol, Pinkland Girl, Super Cutie, Suspiro, Space Grunge, Namorata, Apolo 2013, Artemis 2013
Impala - Glitter Bolinha
Jade - Uau!, Velvet, Sedução Rosa, Energy, Hypnose, Mystic Gold, Delírio Rosa, Deja Vu, Irresistível, Extasy
Kolt - Sedução, Ousada
L'apogée - Liberty, Balada, Maxi
La Femme - Pikachu
Lorrac - Versátil
Ludurana - Pink, Amazônia
Marchetti - Coquetel
Merheje - Netuno
Passe Nati - Short, Ferradura, Olho Turco, Quero Felicidade
Quem Disse Berenice? - Roxex
Realce - Festa no Iate, Psiu!, Oliva
Risqué - Lapis Lazuli, Violeta Acinzentado
Super Pérola - Sena, Fica Comigo, Absolute, Saint German
Top Beauty - Dancing Days, Noite, London Girl, Brazilian Days, In the Club, Pole Dance, Tokio Girl.


A-England - Saint George, Lady of the Lake
Barry M - Indigo, Racing Green
Butter London - Thames
Catrice - Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans, How I Matt Your Mother
Chanel - Taboo
China Glaze - Bizarre Blurple, It's a Trap-Eze, Def Defiyng, Creative Fantasy, Rodeo Fanatic, Zombie Zest, Lubu Heels, Budding Romance, When Stars Collide, Flying Dragon, Midtown Dragon, Galactic Grey, OMG a UFO, Cosmic Dust, When Stars Collide
Ciaté - Jewel
Color Club - Almost Famous, Rule Breaker, Angel Kiss, Cosmic Fate, Over the Moon, Disco Dress, Endless Summer
Dance Legend - Android, Robots vs. Humans
Daring Digits - More Dots
Deborah Lippmann - Ruby Red Slippers, Stairway to Heaven
Essence - Hard to Resist, Choose Me, Fame Fatal, L.O.L.
Essie - Aruba Blue, Dive Bar, No More Film
Etude House - Apricot Candy, Etude Starwberry Stars
Finger Paints - Plum Startled
Fnug - Psychedelic
Hot Topic - Beautiful Revenge
Illamasqua - Baptiste, Viridian
Innisfree - 81, 83, 84 
Jordana - Boy Oh Boy, LA City Nights
Kiko - 278, Eletric Blue, 225, 391
Kleancolor - Chunky Holo Black, Holo Chrome, Vegas Night, Fashionista
Layla - Emerald Divine, Flash Back, Mercury Twilight
L'oreal - The Temprtress' Touch
Lush Lacquer - Birthday Cake, Black Friday, Clowning Arround
ManGlaze - Nawsome Sauce, Cabron, Santorum, Lesbihonest, Royal Matterimoaning
Misa - Throw Me Something Purple Please, Green With Envy
Milani - Gems, Fuchsia, Gold, Fairy Tale, Totally Cool, Twinkle
Models Own - Disco Mix, Peacock Green, Golden Green
Nabi - Green 3D, Black Berry 3D, Fushia 3D, Purple 3D
Nails INC - Baker Street
Nfu-Oh - Aqua Base, 51
Ninja Polish - Corny Candy, Shillelagh
Nyx - Dorothy
Nubar - Petunia Sparkle, Reclaim, Violet Sparkle
O.P.I. - Did It On 'Em, Stay the Night
Orly - Rip, Decoded, Fresh, It's Not Rocket Science, DS Temptation, Bubbly Bombshell
Panvel - Congo
Perfect Holographic - H6, H1, H3, H2
Picture Polish - Violet Femme, Mad Magenta, Jealous
Revlon - Dreamer
Sally Hansen - Rockstar Pink
Sation - Loudest Color, Miss Emo Shun All, Miss & Make Up, Rich in Opportunities
Sinful Colors - Dream On, Innocent, Pull Over
Spoiled - Ants in my Pants, Checkin' Into Rehab
Tango - 32, 20
W7 - Lava Flow
Wet N Wild - Once Upon a Time
Zoya - Chyna, London, Caitlin, Mimi, Robyn, Mira


BBF - Guacamole, Sonne, Aces High, Energize Me, Madness
Bia Mel - Sete Chakras
By Dany Vianna - Linguado, Tree Fall, Don't be a Crow, Summer Haze
Esmaltes da Kelly - Damon, Peacock Feathers, Steely, Phoenix, Paula, Luciana, Forest
Patty Lopes - Fantasy, Secret Friend, Challenge Sand, Sophia, Pecan Pie
Penélope Luz -  Bellatrix, It's Summer, Sarcasm, Belly Dance, Pandora, Yoga, Confetti, Ocean Girl
Ste Indies - See me Now
Vermelho Acessórios (Márcia Lima) - Heart of the Ocean, Ron, Harry, Hermione



A Divina Comédia - Dante Alighieri
Maiakovski - Vida e Poesia
O Anticristo - Friedrich Nietzsche
O Manifesto do Partido Comunista - Marx e Engels
Histórias Extraordinárias - Edgar Allan Poe
Decamerão - Giovanni Boccaccio
O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio - J.D. Salinger
O Anjo de Hitler - William Osborne
Os 13 Porquês - Jay Asher